How To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test In 2024? (15+ Hair Washes)


The hair follicle drug test is usually the most dreaded one. Figuring out how to pass a hair follicle drug test is mindboggling, but it can be done.

With a urine test, you can simply use marijuana detox or even synthetic urine. With the saliva test, you can get some neutralizing gums.

The hair drug test, however, is the hardest to fool. To make things worse, the THC molecule stays in the hair much longer than in saliva or urine.

Here is a quick look at how long after the last use can marijuana be detected by different drug tests:

See why hair tests are a bother? You can be caught up to 3 months after smoking.

Because there is a lot (and I mean a lot) of misinformation around hair analysis, I’m going to present some quick facts about hair drug tests. Here are the big 3:

  1. One-time smokers don’t have to be concerned with how to pass a hair follicle drug test. THC gathers in hair only in prolonged use (regular smokers).
  2. Most of ‘How to pass a hair drug test’ shampoos don’t really guarantee to pass a hair follicle drug test on their own. You need something stronger to extract THC out of your hair – usually complete hair care with conditioner and purifier (shampoo alone is not enough). And even this is doubtful to work!
  3. If you shave your hair, you’re safe. Well, no – drug testers can take body hair from the underarm, chest, and legs. But if you shave those as well, you’re safe!

We’ll start off with more of these straight facts (because the internet is full of nonsense and people trying to answer how to pass a follicle hair test without using science) and I’ll explain the following in simple terms:

  • How does hair drug testing even work (how much hair they take and from – they take it from the root, by the way).
  • What happens if you decide to shave all of your hair before a hair follicle drug test.
    A nurse only takes 1.5 inches of your hair from the root.
  • Why using a detox shampoo on its own for a hair drug test is a bunch of nonsense and using it is not a guaranteed way to pass a hair follicle drug test. If you want to pass a hair follicle drug test, you need to use a specialized detox shampoo and, most importantly, a purifier. And even this is not a 100% guarantee of passing.
  • How to pass a hair drug test with shampoo, conditioner, and purifier (This is the best chance you have for passing a hair drug test, short of shaving all over).
  • How you can test yourself if your hair is drug (THC, cocaine, meth) positive with a hair drug test kit.

In short, you’ll need shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test (Old Style Toxin Rid shampoo works best with Ultra Clean treatment that includes a purifier), and optionally a drug test to confirm – so 1 of each:

To Pass (Best Option)
Hair Follicle Shampoo
To Check (Quick)To Check (Standard)
detox shampoo for hair drug test
Feature:Includes PurifierQuick TestLong Test
Quality:4.8 out of 5 stars4.5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars
Avg. Review:5 out of 5 stars4.6 out of 5 stars4.2 out of 5 stars
Availability:Check Price Here
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How To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test – Misconceptions and Facts

A good thing about a hair drug test is that usually you’re alerted beforehand – hair drug testing counts as ‘toxicology screening‘. They don’t just come in and take a sample like with a saliva drug test. You have a few days to prepare. Who usually asks you to do it?

  • Your current employer. If they want to check up on you, at random or every few years as regulated by law.
  • Your future employer. Admittedly, they are usually required by law to do a hair drug test.
  • Parents, partners, you name it. They might choose a hair follicle drug test because it’s nearly impossible to cheat and it gives a positive result if you’ve smoked heavily in the last three months.

Will I Pass Hair Drug Test If I’ve Been Second Smoking? No Guarantees.

Well, second smoking how heavily?

If your friends smoke and you’ve been around them for a while, you don’t have to be worried about how to pass a hair follicle drug test. You are guaranteed to pass a hair drug test because there is little to no THC in your hair. Yes, your hair might smell of weed, but even if you don’t wash it, the hair drug test will not detect any THC. Why?

THC outside the hair doesn’t matter. The inside of the hair is the problem.

THC from smoking marijuana travels from lungs to blood and via blood to hair follicles. The hair drug test doesn’t measure if weed stuck to your hair directly via smoke – it detected THC inside of the hair, where it came from being in the blood.

Even if you inhaled a bit around friends who were smoking, that is not a thing to be concerned about. The amount of THC that was transferred to your blood is minimum and will not show up on a hair follicle drug test.

How This Hair Drug Test Myth Was Born (‘Nah, it wasn’t me who smoked, yo’)

Why do some people still think second smoking will make them positive on a hair follicle drug test? Because most of the true smokers, when they tested positive, said “Nah, man, I didn’t smoke, I was just around a bunch of people who did. Second-hand smoking kills you in the end, right?”

I’ve got nothing again some good excuses because, frankly, nobody should lose their job because they smoked some. However, this kind of excuse started a myth that second-hand smoking can be detected via not only a hair drug test but urine and saliva drug tests as well.

How Hair Is Collected For A Drug Test (1.5 inches from the root)

This is what a lot of people going for a hair drug test don’t know. Usually a nurse or certified professional will take about 1.5 inches of your hair. The hair is collected from the root. That’s right, they only take 1.5 inches from the scalp.

Of course, they will chop off your hair from the root, even if you have 30 inches long hair. However, for a hair drug test, they’ll use only the beginning of the hair (the side that came from your scalp). Those are the new hair and 1.5 inches of that hair can hold THC if you’ve smoked in last 90 days (hair grows about 0.5 inches per month).

The other part of the hair is discarded and not used in the hair follicle drug test. Why? Simple because data collected from that part would not be valid. After more than 3 months, most of the THC goes out anyhow and if you haven’t smoked heavily up to 3 months before a drug test via hair, you have nothing to worry about.

One-Time Smokers Have Nothing To Worry About (Only Heavy Smokers Need To Worry)

A lot of times, the one most petrified of hair drug test are one-time smokers. You know, people who just tried it once at college.

Even if you smoked a lot during that one session, you don’t have to worry about it as far as how to pass a hair follicle drug test is considered. Yes, if you might test positive with mouth swab drug test or urine test, but for hair drug test, THC really has to accumulate in the hair for longer periods of time.

Hair Drug Test Can Be Up To 5 Times More Effective Than Urine Drug Test

This is the main reason why drug test via hair follicle is employed. It catches up to five times as many users as a standard urine test. Why?

Well, for a urine test, you can detox (you can read about to do a THC detox here). What is more, with moderate use of marijuana, after about 7 days, there will be no trace of THC in the urine anymore. In hair, the THC residue will remain up to 3 months!

There are no quick detoxes for the hair drug test (only shampoo-conditioner-purifier we’re going to talk about – and even that is questionable if it really helps). The only true way of how to pass a hair follicle drug test is to look for a shampoo with purifier (I’ll explain this a bit later).

How Long Is Body Hair Detection Time? (Over 90 Days)

Head hair drug test detection time is about 90 days. In the test protocol, they take 1.5 inches of hair from the root and test it. Because head hair grows about 0.5 inches in 30 days (1 month), the head hair drug test goes back about 3 months.

If you don’t have head hair (boldness or haircut style with no hair), the tester will take body hair ONLY from these three places:

  • Under armpit
  • Chest hair
  • Leg hair

Many people think they have to shave all of their body. Only these three places are valid for taking a sample for body hair drug test.

It is a lot easier for women to avoid this – they usually shave armpits and legs, and have no chest hair anyway. However, women are in 99% of cases tested via head hair (obviously). You find a lot more bold men that bold women (or those with such hairstyle preference).

Men, however, in most cases have armpit hair, chest and leg hair.

Body Hair Grows Slower (Accumulates THC For Longer Periods Of Time)

Take chest hair for example. How long does it take to grow to full length? Usually much more than 3 months or 90 days.

A tester will take 1.5 inches (or less) chest hair for the hair drug test. Because that hair might be growing for up to 6 months, the THC, which indicates marijuana smoking, can be found in the hair. That means that the body hair drug test can catch you even after 6 months (that is for heavy smokers, of course).

What Happens If I Shave Everywhere? (You Can’t Be Tested With Hair Drug Test)

This is also an idea and it is the 100% guarantee you won’t be caught on hair follicle drug test. Why? Because you have no hair, you can’t even be tested.

No hair drug test with no hair, right? They’ll just test your saliva or urine.

Of course, they will put you on a saliva drug test or urine drug test but for that, you only need about 7 days for the body to detox itself and you can even help it with THC detox.

However, HR might get suspicious if you just shave your hair. They can’t prove anything but even if you do pass a standard urine drug test, they might shortlist you for drug testing.

Why Is Detox Shampoo For Hair Drug Test Useless? (Treats The Hair Surface, Not Insides)

Here’s the thing. The THC in the hair is not on the outside of the hair. You don’t get it because of the exposure to THC-rich smoke. That could be cleaned out with shampoo.

You get it via bloodstream feeding your hair follicles. And it is, of course, inside the hair. You can’t get it ‘out’ with just a shampoo.

I really thought this is pretty obvious when it comes to how to pass a hair follicle drug test.

That doesn’t stop people from trying to pass a hair drug test with such shampoos, though. Here is one shampoo that is being sold to pass a hair follicle drug test (on the right).

This hair drug test shampoo looks pretty cool, right? Just notice the 100% guarantee. That’s the company trying to make it much more legit that it deserves to be.

You won’t believe this, but people still buy into that.

Nevertheless, it is only shampoo. It won’t extract the THC from inside the hair.

Here are some reviews of this ‘100% pass hair drug test shampoo detox’ crap.


Well, there you have it. Of course, it doesn’t work – it’s only a shampoo! What were you thinking, were you high or something? Oh…that might be the reason. Ok, let’s cool down and see what might actually work.

Hair Drug Test Detox Shampoo + Conditioner + Purifier (Best Choice But Still Isn’t 100% Guarantee)

These detox shampoos are not all bad. They are actually quite useful IF they can penetrate into the hair. However, normal shampoo can’t do that.

When trying to pass a hair drug test, you really need to be looking at products that ensure that shampoo will actually reach the insides of the hair. Only from there THC can be truly extracted and gets your hair clean for a hair follicle drug test.

Is there a thing that does that? Yes, it’s called the purifier. This is basically a substance that penetrates inside the inner structure of the hair itself. When the shampoo is thus allowed to come inside the hair, it dissolves THC and it can be washed out.

Ensure Passing On Your Hair Drug Test (Rinse really REALLY good)

Of course, you have to wash out most of THC to test negative on hair drug test. This is why this is not a 100% guarantee method. However, you can increase the chances of getting THC out with:

  • Repeat shampooing.
  • Heavy (and I mean heavy) rinsing. Leave the shampoo on for a longer time than it says to ensure it will dissolve and wash out all of the THC.
  • Choosing the best shampoo + purifier combo.

Oh yeah, there is this thing where you have a conditioner with the shampoo + purifier combo. That actually does nothing to wash out the THC – it just makes your hair smooth and nice. So, if your goal is to pass a hair drug test, you can get things with or without a conditioner (doesn’t really make a difference).

Here is pretty much the industry standard for passing a hair drug test:

You’ll notice that this Hair Follicle Shampoo doesn’t only have shampoo but, far more important, a purifier! I can’t really stress enough how a purifier is essential for passing a hair follicle drug test. Without it, all the shampoo is going to do is clean the outsides of your hair and get your ass fired in the process.

hair follicle shampoo
2 step hair cleaning: 1) Shampoo, and 2) Purifier.

Just keep in mind to rinse really well. It’s better to rinse one more time and keep the shampoo on a bit longer than it says just to make SURE that all of the THC will go out. This is the best chance of passing a hair follicle drug test. You can get the Hair Follicle Shampoo here. Just read about how quickly it can be shipped so that it will be at your home before you have to take a hair drug test.

Test, Test, Test! (Test your hair if they are THC-positive before taking a hair drug test)

This is the common mistake people that get caught make. They could have avoided it just by checking for themselves if their hair still has THC.

There are several options why there can still be THC in your hair:

  • You used just the shampoo. Doesn’t work on its own.
  • You used a shampoo + purifier but didn’t rinse enough.
  • Thinking you’ll pass a hair drug test, you know, by doing nothing on it and just the destiny take its course.

Well, if you’re leaving it up to destiny, then you don’t really need to test yourself.

For everybody else, you can get a hair drug test kit and test yourself before taking a real test.

Hair Drug Test Kit (Expensive But Can Be Worth It For Heavy Users)

If you don’t want to leave it up to chance, you can test your hair yourself. What you’ll need is the following:

  • 1.5 inches of your hair (cut from the root).
  • A hair drug test kit. See the Hair Confirm kit for more details.
  • Follow the instructions in the kit.
Hair Confirm Regular
Hair drug test kit.

Believe me, testing yourself is the best way to know if you need to take action (such as buying a shampoo + purifier, or doing another rinse with it).

Hope You Got Everything To Pass A Hair Drug Test Now

This is pretty much it. The best option to pass a hair drug test is to shave your hair, armpits, legs, and chest. However, they’ll just give you another drug test (admittedly, you’ll pass that one with more ease).

The general take away is that you have to wash your hair with a shampoo that is able to penetrate into the hair. That’s why you need a purifier added to the shampoo if you want to pass a hair follicle drug test and this is how to do it.

Hopefully, now you’ve got all you need to know how to pass a hair follicle drug test. Just make sure you’ll pass it beforehand with a kit and you’ll be in the safe zone.

Remember. Better safe than sorry.